
The people of Lebak Regency were asked to be aware of ground movement following the incident in the Islamic boarding school (ponpes) area in the Kalanganyar District, Lebak, Banten.

Head of the Emergency and Logistics Section of the Lebak Regency BPBD, Agust Riza Faesal, said that according to the BMKG forecast, extreme weather marked by increasing rainfall accompanied by lightning and strong winds had not yet slowed in Lebak. "Today we received a report that one of the Islamic boarding schools in Kanganyar District was affected by ground movement," he said in Lebak, Banten, Monday, February 6, was confiscated by Antara.

As for the ground movement that occurred in Kalanganyar Subdistrict, it was located on the edge of the river flow. Before the boarding school in the area was affected, eight houses also experienced the same thing but did not cause severe damage.

"We ask residents who live on the banks of the river to increase their vigilance following high rainfall," he said.

Riza reminded that apart from residents in Kalanganyar Subdistrict, land movement disasters due to extreme weather also have the opportunity to occur in 6 other sub-districts in Lebak, namely Cimarga, Cikulur, Muncang, Bojongmanik, Cirinten and Lebak Gedong.

Local governments have carried out relocations to a number of houses in Lebak that were previously affected by land movement.

"All victims of land movement were built huntap by the local government," said Riza.

Di bantarang aliran Sungai Ciberang, bencana pergerakan tanah juga mengancam rumah warga. Mereka terpaksa mengungsi ke lokasi yang aman jika curah hujan lebih dari tiga jam mengguyur kawasan tempat tinggal mereka. "Kami sudah biasa bila cuaca ekstrem mengungsi ke rumah keluarga untuk menghindari bencana pergerakan pergerakan tanah," kata Wahid, seorang warga Cimarga, Kabupaten Lebak.

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