ASN Working Import Hours At The West Pasaman Regency Government An Hour Sooner
Photo via Antara


WEST PASAMAN - West Pasaman Regency Government, West Sumatra has imposed changes in working entry hours for the state civil apparatus (ASN).

ASN will enter work at 06.30 WIB and return home at 15.00 WIB. In the previous regulation, ASN entered at 07.30 WIB and returned home at 16.00 WIB. "The change in working hours starts today. Based on Circular (SE) West Pasaman Regent Number 01 of 2023 concerning changes in ASN working hours within the West Pasaman Regency Government," said West Pasaman Regent Hamsuardi at Simpang Empat, Monday, February 6. The change in working hours is guided by Government Regulation Number 94 of 2021 concerning PNS Disciplinary Article 4 letter F which states that civil servants must enter work and comply with the provisions of working hours. The minimum working hours within one working day are for 7.5 hours, and 37.5 hours a week with five working days. Previously, ASN working hours in West Pasaman entered at 07.30 WIB and came home at 16.00 WIB. "This change in working hours ranging from hours to hours home has good goals. Hopefully, through this change we can improve again, "he hoped. Meanwhile, Deputy Regent Risnawanto hopes that changes in working hours within the government environment will be positively welcomed by all ASN and West Pasaman Regency Employee employees.

"Because the ASN who serve in West Pasaman is a reflection and an example for the community. Being a place to ask questions by the community, especially now that we already have a program in the health sector, namely free medical treatment," he explained. Hendra Putra, asked the OPD head to set a good example, so that staff in the office would follow. "Like name boards, clothes, shoes and so on. In addition, I also remind all of us to be careful in social media, so that we all avoid gambling and slander," he said.

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