
JAKARTA - Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta Heru Budi Hartono said that stunting and stunted conditions in children were one of the causes of the emergence of teenage brawls in Jakarta.

According to Heru, stunting conditions in children can affect his mental development. The child's body is shorter than the average child's age and his psychological condition is easier to get emotional. This high level of emotion can cause the child to join a brawl.

"If we don't deal with stunting children, then, I'm very sorry, when they walk until they grow up, their bodies are short, they have high emotions, their thoughts are not clear. So, there will be a brawl. Five or ten years later, crime will be higher," said Heru at Bellgio Boutique Mall, South Jakarta, Sunday, February 5.

According to Heru, this condition should be the concern of all staff at the RW, village head, and sub-district head in the South Jakarta area. Considering, he continued, the low condition of community welfare affects the level of crime in an area.

"Why am I telling you here about stunting? Because if we don't pay attention to this, then this child becomes stunted, then throughout his life the local government must pay more attention. This means that social security guarantees must pay more attention to them," explained Heru.

Furthermore, Heru also targets a decrease in the social vulnerability potential index (IPKS) in Jakarta. Based on data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) as of 2020, Jakarta's IPKS is 18.9 percent.

"Globally, macro, DKI Jakarta index has a potential for social vulnerability of 18.9 percent. If it's good it's zero. We hope that the Kapolda, Pangdam, and the ranks of the DKI Jakarta Regional Government, the index can continue to fall. Therefore, Mr. RW I entrust the region, we together with the Pangdam and Kapolda will play around," he explained.

Continuing, Metro Jaya Police Chief Inspector General Fadil Imran asked the heads of RW in South Jakarta who were present at this event to carry out their role in easing the community in overcoming various problems encountered.

"These RWs are the end of the nervous for all of us. You are the ones who can feel, listen, see firsthand what the residents hope for, what is happening in the community. We want this nerve ending to work properly," said Fadil.

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