
"TANJUNG SELOR - The General Election Commission (KPU) of North Kalimantan Province targets voter participation in the 2024 election to be more than 76 percent or beyond the 2019 election target. Although so far the Indonesian KPU has not conveyed a target to us. But at least participation during the 2019 election became a reference. At that time it was above 76 percent. We want to maximize even more the achievement of the target, said North Kalimantan KPU chairman Suryanata Al Islami, quoted by ANTARA, Sunday, February 5. Currently, intensive socialization efforts are being carried out in order to increase voter participation both in terms of quantity and quality. North Kalimantan KPU has formed Care Villages for Voters and Elections in two districts and one city namely Bulungan Regency, Nunukan Regency, and Tarakan City.God willing, this year we complete it throughout North Kalimantan, at least every area there is a minimum of one Care Village for Voters and Elections. This is one way to involve many parties to be able to provide socialization to the community directly, "he said. Each Care Village for Voters and Elections has volunteers as an extension of the KPU socializing to the community. We form or make WhatsApp groups as a communication medium so that what stages we are in the process of submitting to volunteers also reach the community, "he said. In the future the KPU also involves many community leaders, traditional leaders, community and youth organizations so that election commitments with integrity in North Kalimantan can be escorted together. The responsibility for producing quality and integrity elections is that we start from the organizers. But the shared responsibility lies with all the community, "he said.

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