
JAKARTA - A 30-year-old Portuguese dog was named the oldest in the world by Guinness World Records - beating a record that lasted a century.

Bobi, a lattice do Alentejo race - a race that has an average life expectancy of 12 to 14 years.

The oldest dog previously was Bluey Australia, who died in 1939 at the age of 29 years and five months.

As of February 1, Bobi was 30 years and 226 days old, and was said to be fine for his age.

His old age has been validated by the Portuguese government's pet database, managed by the National Veterinary Association, according to Guinness World Records, reported by the BBC, Saturday, February 4.

He has lived his entire life with the Costa family in the village of Conqueiros, near Portugal's west coast, having been born with three siblings in an additional building.

Leonel Costa, who was then eight, said his parents had too many animals and had to take down the puppys, but Bobi fled.

Leonel and his brother kept the dog's whereabouts secret from their parents until she was finally found and part of the family, who gave her the same food they ate.

"Between a can of animal food or a piece of meat, Bobi has no doubts and chooses our food," Costa said.

Despite the fear in 2018 when he was hospitalized after suddenly collapsing due to difficulty breathing, Costa said Bobi had enjoyed a relatively problem-free life and believed the secret of his longevity was a quiet and peaceful environment.

Bobi's treatment as the oldest dog comes just two weeks after Guinness World Records named another dog, Spike the path, the oldest surviving dog - at the age of 23.

Guinness has since updated his records, and announced Bobi as the oldest surviving dog, and the oldest dog ever.

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