
JAKARTA - The committee for the peak celebration of 100 years or 1 century of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) stands to allow the general public to attend the event which is planned to take place at the Gelora Delta Stadium, Sidoarjo, East Java (East Java), on February 7th. "Please come, get busy. There are no conditions for wearing a bracelet. Indeed, there are special provisions for a particular invitation when it involves the presence of a President or Vice President," said the spokesperson for the "One Century NU Reception Peak" Committee, Rahmat Hidayat Pulungan, Friday, February 3, was confiscated by Antara. Thus, he continued, the issues circulating about the restrictions on the presence of people in the event are not true. "Once again, the existence of the issue of the restriction is completely incorrect. Everyone may attend. Restrictions are imposed in the morning session and that is only in the stadium, "he said. Furthermore, he explained that restrictions on public attendance were imposed at the morning session because the event at that time involved the presence of President Joko Widodo and Vice President Ma'ruf Amin so that they had to adjust the regulations that had been set. After the series of events attended by the President and Vice President were over, all procedures would return to normal, namely the general public allowed to attend the Reception of One Century of NU. "Heads of state and inviteds from high state officials only in the morning until noon. After that, all activities in the stadium can be enjoyed by anyone," he said.

Next, the Deputy Secretary General of the Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) Executive Board said, as message from the General Chairperson of PBNU KH Yahya Cholil Staquf, a 1st Century NU Reception event was held to collect or "endow" blessings so that it should be opened to the general public. "We are happy to hear the enthusiasm of NU residents and the public who plan to come to the stadium. This is a joint celebration event, as the message of PBNU General Chair KH Yahya Cholil Staquf, this event was created to 'endow' blessings," he said. In fact, added Rahmat, the committee deliberately designed the event in accordance with the spirit of NU to always be present for the community. He conveyed that the committee had prepared many interesting and quality activities to enjoy by the entire community for 24 hours. In addition, the committee has also prepared 80 giant screens outside the stadium so that people who were there could still watch events in the stadium.

Rahmat added that the public does not need to worry about cleanliness and consumption during the event because the committee, the Sidoarjo Regency Government, and the East Java Provincial Government have provided public toilets, consumption, medical, and culinary bazaars and MSMEs. "The committee has provided public facilities around Gelora Delta. We also ask all pilgrims present to wear white clothes as well as carry the NU and Merah Putih flags," he said.

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