
A unit of the residents' houses in the kitchen was hit by a landslide due to heavy rains that flushed the Bantul Regency area on Thursday, February 2 evening.

"Heavy rains made water enter the cliff cavities near the house, so the cliffs could not withstand the water and then landslides occurred," said Head of the Bantul BPBD Rapid Response Team (TRC) Sulistiyana in a written message, Friday, February 3, confiscated by Antara.

The section that was hit by a landslide belongs to Pardi Rejo (71), a resident of Kaligatuk Hamlet, Srimulyo Village, Piyungan District, Bantul. The incident was reported to have occurred on February 2 at around 20.30 WIB, then an assessment team from BPBD Bantul arrived at the location on Friday 3 February at 12.35 WIB.

Pardi and his wife, Ngadiyem (69) occupied the house at the time of the incident. However, BPBD confirmed that there were no casualties in the landslide disaster.

He explained that the chronology of the incident when heavy rains occurred in Srimulyo Village, Piyungan, with very high rainfall, and then rainwater entered the cliff cavities.

"Derasnya air dan banyak debit air mengakibatkan tebing tidak kuat menahan dan terjadi longsor menjadi dapur milik Pak Pardi Rejo, atas kejadian tersebut pemilik rumah melaporkan ke BPBD Bantul," katanya.

Based on the results of the assessment at the scene, BPBD Bantul noted that the entire area of the house was eight meters by 12 meters, while the size of the kitchen building was six times two meters damaged.

"Details of damage to partially roofs, bamboo covers, cooking utensils, pet chickens hit, bamboo cones, and kripical tiles of approximately 100 seeds. Estimated damage of around Rp. 5 million," he said.

He said, so far what BPBD officers, volunteers for the Bantul disaster risk reduction forum (FPRB) and the local community have done is the work of cleaning up landslides around affected houses.

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