
JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of the PKS Syuro Council Sohibul Iman said the meeting with NasDem Chairman Surya Paloh would discuss the declaration of the Change Coalition and the Change Secretariat. Sohibul said that regarding PKS' support for Anies Baswedan as a presidential candidate in 2024, it had been conveyed after his arrival from Istanbul. "What I have said is time at the airport, hilal," said Sohibul Iman at the NasDem DPP Office, Jakarta, Friday, February 3. Sohibul revealed that the declaration of the Change Coalition which was being finalized by a small team of the NasDem, Democrat and PKS parties would be discussed a little during a meeting with Surya Paloh this afternoon. It's just that, he said, the deepening of the declaration will be discussed with all political parties and the presidential candidate. Especially regarding the timing of the declaration of the coalition and the presidential election. "Maybe there will be talks. But the joint declaration must be together. Later we will try together, the four parties. The three parties are the same as the presidential candidate," he said. "There we discussed when the declaration will be, not today. Even though it was mentioned today, it was just a warm-up," said Sohibul. Meanwhile, regarding the Declaration of Amendments, Sohibul ensured that it would not be agreed in this meeting. However, he hopes that it can be a little mentioned. "Today is not. But hopefully," he said.

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