JAKARTA - Animals in Ragunan have become more productive in breeding due to activity restrictions during the COVID-19 pandemic. How come?
Head of the Ragunan Wildlife Park Management Unit (TMR) Endah Rumiyati revealed that when the mobility of residents was limited, this had an impact on the temporary closure of TMR. When reopened, the capacity was also limited.
It is this decrease in the number of visitors that causes reduced disturbances to animals so that they can breed quietly.
"Our students during this pandemic have decreased, they are more prosperous, sir, many animals are producing, many are born, not disturbed. Indeed, during the COVID-19 period, the positive is that there will be more animals," said Endah when met at TMR, South Jakarta, Friday, February 3.
During the pandemic, two Ragunan tigers were recorded to have been exposed to COVID-19 in July 2021. After the two tigers were declared cured, Endah said no one else was infected with the corona virus.
Along with that, the TMR manager also routinely brings doctors to the animal cages to check their health.
"Even after the COVID-19 period, even before COVID-19, we continue to carry out treatment. We still carry out doctor visits to cages to check on animals at times," said Endah.
"All animals in our cages carry out maintenance and feeding because we have to prioritize elements of animal welfare. So, we fulfill all maintenance," he continued.
Today, today, Acting Governor of DKI Heru Budi Hartono named the Sumatran elephant calf and giraffe in TMR. Arriving at TMR, Heru initially planted trees. After that, he visited the elephant cages and giraffes one by one. Entering the cage area, Heru fed the leaves to the animals.
"I stopped by to give Ragunan time to plant a tabebuya tree first. The next one was to name the elephant, the elephant was named Unggul. Then, the second one named the second calf, his name is Tazoo," said Heru at TMR, South Jakarta, Friday, February 3.
Superior and Tazoo were born at the same time on September 5, 2022. Heru explained that the reason for naming the Unggul was so that the four-legged animal could live ahead of his parents named Arli and Putir.
"The name Unggul should be superior to his parents," said Heri.
Heru also explained the meaning of the name Tazoo which was felt quite foreign to the community. Heru revealed that Tazoo was taken from the name of the Taronga Zoo, Sydney, Australia. Taronga Zoo was the birthplace of Tazoo's father and mother, before being brought to Indonesia.
"Tazoo is from his real name. Then, Tazoo means to remember the names of his father and mother," he said.
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