
JAKARTA - A member of the Jatinegara Police Provos Bripka Madih suddenly went viral after he admitted that he was asked for money by investigators when questioning the case of land grabbing belonging to his parents at Polda Metro Jaya.

"This is strange, as the party being wronged by the reporting party is not the person who commits the crime. Disappointed, why are the parents of anne almost a century reporting the grabbing of the land to the Polda Metro Jaya. Why are they being asked for investigation fees," said Bripka Madih in the video.

Madih's confession went viral on social media. The request for some money was asked by his professional colleagues directly to him.

Madih admitted that he was disappointed with the actions and behavior of the law enforcement officers who handled the case.

"Why this disappointment? Because the police themselves were asked for investigation fees, prizes. It was 100 million and a land prize of 1000 meters," he said.

Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Trunoyudo Wisnu Andiko confirmed the statement made by the person concerned. Currently Polda Metro Jaya is still investigating further regarding Mahdi's confession.

"Polda Metro Jaya will explore this," he said briefly.

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