
JAKARTA - President of the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) Ahmad Syaikhu is scheduled to meet the Chairman of the NasDem Party Surya Paloh at Tower NasDem, Jakarta, Friday, February tomorrow. "Silaturahmi, chatting lightly," said Deputy Chairman of the PKS Syuro Council Sohibul Iman at the NasDem Office, Jakarta, Antara, Thursday, February 2. He emphasized that the PKS elite visit to NasDem was not a formal meeting, but just a gathering and drinking coffee together. "Chip together, of course tomorrow I will be with the President of PKS," he said. Affirmation related to the visit was also conveyed by the Chairman of the DPP NasDem Party Willy Aditya. According to him, the meeting of the party leadership was limited to friendship. Previously, NasDem Party presidential candidate Anies Baswedan met with the Chairman of the Democratic Party Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY) at the Democratic Office, Jakarta, Thursday evening. "We just discussed as well as a small team meeting with a spirit of togetherness," AHY said when giving a press statement. AHY emphasized that the coalition of three parties, namely NasDem, Democrat, and PKS, is getting more and more solid day by day. "We will continue to carry out joint missions with Anies Baswedan from now on until the 2024 General Election," he emphasized.

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