
Solo Mayor Gibran Rakabuming Raka assesses that the position of governor is quite crucial so it is needed in the order of government.

"Yes, it is very crucial, we always get directions from the governor," said Gibran in Solo, Central Java (Central Java), Thursday, February 2, as reported by Antara.

He added that the governor was also a bridge for coordination between regions, including when there were problems between regions that could be resolved by the governor.

"(If) coordination between regions doesn't work, (then) the governor will be bridged, the governor will finish. It's difficult if it doesn't exist, the governor must be there," he said.

The issue related to the removal of a governor-equivalent position was first thrown by Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives Muhaimin Iskandar alias Cak Imin. The chairman of the PKB revealed that his party was reviewing the discourse on eliminating the position of regional head at the governor's level.

"We are finalizing a study with experts," said Cak Imin.

According to him, the removal of the governor was because basically the function of the position was too ineffective.

"The first stage was abolished because the governor's function was only to connect between the central and regional governments," said Muhaimin while giving a speech to the National Sarasehan for One Century Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) in Jakarta, Monday, January 30.

In addition, the abolition of positions at the governor's level aims to create budget efficiency.

"The governor's budget is big, but its function is only to represent or extend the central government; there is a buildup there," said Muhaimin after attending the National Mimbar "Road Map and Education Construction Towards a Golden Indonesia 2045" on the third floor of Mataram University, West Nusa Tenggara, Tuesday, January 31.

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