
SURABAYA - The Surabaya City Government, East Java, sent 78 teenagers, who had been caught in an order operation by the Civil Service Police Unit (Satpol PP) Care Team, to attend the National Insight School.

Surabaya Mayor Eri Cahyadi, in a statement received in Surabaya, said that the dozens of teenagers would later be named the Surabaya City Government Ambassador.

"There were about 78 children who attended the National Insight School. We allowed them to go to school, after that we made the Surabaya City Government Ambassador to invite his friends to enter the realm of the National Insight School. God willing, February has started," said Eri Cahyadi, quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, February 2.

According to him, the program aims so that teenagers who have had problems related to order can teach national values, as well as invite other young people to attend the National Insight School.

Thus, Eri hopes that the level of juvenile delinquency in the city of Surabaya can be minimized and controlled.

In the learning process at the National Insight School, Eri explained that the Surabaya City Government is collaborating with the TNI and Polri. The education and training activities (training) of the National Insight School will be carried out within the TNI and Polri.

In addition, Eri has also inaugurated the Bhinneka House in the city of Surabaya to accommodate various inter-religious, ethnic, racial, and group tolerance activities in maintaining the ideology of Pancasila in the city of Surabaya.

Bhinneka's house is also a place to gather and discuss to build, capture the aspirations of the community, and embrace various communities, especially in the city of Surabaya.

"If juvenile delinquency occurs, it comes from various ethnicities, so the approach must be culturally. The closest is to the representatives of the tribes in Surabaya, to come to their respective tribes to strengthen brotherhood, and invite them to protect Surabaya," said Eri Cahyadi.

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