
The Southeast Sulawesi Food Task Force appealed to residents to be able to take advantage of the existing yard by planting a number of vegetable needs.

Secretary of the Southeast Sulawesi Food Security Service Ari Sismanto said the movement to grow a number of household needs such as vegetables or chilies in the yard is highly expected to control inflation in the area.

"I educate the public how to use vacant land around housing, yards to plant anything, be it chilies, lombok, vegetables, onions and so on," said Ari Sismanto, as reported by Antara, Thursday, February 2.

The inflation rate for Southeast Sulawesi has reached 7.39 percent which is monitored from two cities, namely Kendari City and Baubau City. If people want to use their home yard by planting chilies, vegetables and others, then the cost of spending on the community will also be reduced.

"At least they are, this household has sufficient needs. There is no need to buy more. If there is a lot of production, he can sell to increase family income," he said.

The problem, said Ari, is that there are still many abandoned and empty community yard areas. If the land is used properly, it will have a positive impact on the owner, namely that it can meet daily needs and can bring economic value if the plants planted are abundant and sold.

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