
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Religion (Kemenag) targets to have a national da'wah roadmap by 2023 in an effort to strengthen inter-religious harmony.

"We are targeting this year to have a national da'wah map," said the Director General of Islamic Community Guidance at the Ministry of Religion Kamaruddin Amin as quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, February 1. Kamaruddin said Indonesia with high diversity requires mapping in da'wah. According to him, several provinces already have a map of da'wah. However, the national da'wah map does not yet exist. "Actually, we already have a map of da'wah in eight provinces. We hope that this year the map of da'wah nationally can be completed," he said.

Kamaruddin explained that the roadmap for this da'wah would target three da'wah targets. First, da'wah targets urban communities. He said that the management and members of the National Da'wah Council (MDK) should have a special strategy in conveying da'wah to dynamic urban communities. Second, da'wah will target young people. He said that the younger generation consisting of millennials and Z is 52 percent of the total Indonesian population. Finally, the preachers should deliver progressive lectures by not struggling on the theme of rituals alone. According to him, without leaving the ritual theme, the community should be given enlightenment on various contemporary issues with religious approaches. "If we have a map, God willing, affirmation of da'wah can be directed. There are guidelines and outlines of what kind of da'wah this area needs to respond to the character of the people in the area. This is one of our work this year," he said.

He hopes that the role of MDK which has recently been formed to become a pioneer in the preparation of the da'wah map. He targets MDK to become an influential entity and provide direction for da'wah in Indonesia. "We are targeting the National Da'wah Council to be a role model, an instrument in improving the quality of life of religious communities in Indonesia," he said.

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