
JAKARTA - The Head of the Sunday Market Criminal Investigation Unit, AKP Sofyan Suri, said that the burglary experienced by the South Jakarta KPKP Sub-dept. was not true. According to Sofyan, the action that took place near Pintu Ragunan, Jalan Saco, South Jakarta, Monday afternoon, January 30 at 15.30 WIB was a tension between the victim and another driver.

"It's not true about the information on robbery because there was no attempt to take the victim's belongings, the perpetrator only injured," said Sofyan when confirmed, Wednesday, February 1.

Sofyan suspects that the action was based on the fact that the victims and perpetrators grazed each other at the scene. On that basis, the perpetrator was annoyed and hit the victim.

"If the time is not right, the time of the incident is still 14 (2 pm-ed) at the location it is not quiet and many other road users," he concluded.

Previously, it was reported that employees of the South Jakarta KPKP Sub-dept. became victims of robbery near the Ragunan West Gate, on Jalan Saco, Monday afternoon, January 30 at 15.30 WIB. The report made the Pasar Minggu police conduct an investigation.

"We are currently still under investigation," said Pasar Minggu Police Chief Kompol Rusit Malaka, quoted from Antara, in Jakarta, Tuesday.

Rusit explained that the victim with the initials S did not experience mugging but was suspected of being a robber, because none of his luggage was lost.

According to him, the victim who was returning home from work using a motorcycle was unconsciously followed by an unknown person.

Then the victim was grabbed by an unknown person and then hit with a blunt object that hit the victim's head.

The perpetrator who carried out the abuse immediately fled and left the victim.

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