
AMBON - As many as 400 joint TNI Polri personnel have secured conflicts between residents in Tual City, Maluku which occurred on January 31, 2023 at 22.00 WIT evening. The Head of Public Relations of the Maluku Police, Kombes M. Roem Ohoirat, said that this conflict incident began on January 28, 2023. At that time the owner of the food stall was abused by a group of drunk people and did not pay. As a result of the persecution, the victim's family did not accept it, resulting in problems. Then on January 31, 2023 at 22.00 WIT, one of the residents was suddenly hit by an arrow by an unknown person. As a result of the incident, there was provocation from other groups of residents, then carried out a counterattack. "So last night there was a resident who was hit by arrows and then provoked other residents, then there was an attack on other groups so that until this morning there was still attacking each other," said Roem in Ambon, Antara, Wednesday, February 1. Roem said the conflict between residents resulted in 13 injuries. Three of them are members of the National Police, and 10 others are the community. "I also need to explain that there were injured victims including 3 injured victims from the National Police, and 10 people from residents," said Roem. Currently, the police have succeeded in arresting seven perpetrators of clashes between residents in Tual. They have been named suspects. Roem appealed to the entire community to remain restrained and not be provoked so that the cases of clashes between residents do not grow. "Once again, we Maluku Police appeal to the public, what else are the people of Tual, Kei, known as indigenous peoples, who are thick with customs, are there are laws and mottos there. Let's use these parents' messages as a view of life so that they are no longer provoked and this case becomes big,” he asked. He also hopes that the Tual community in the Maluku area will not be provoked to bring it to village, ethnic, and religious groups. Meanwhile, Tual City Police Chief AKBP Prayudha Widiatmoko said that currently the situation is safe and conducive and can be controlled. “ Indeed, there are still residents on guard. But we, the police and local government (Pemda) have prepared security posts between the two parties,” he said. He admitted that apart from the 13 injured victims, there was a fire in the house, but it has not been recorded. “ The house burned still has not been recorded. Later there will be an office that records it. "We are still focused on security in the field because we anticipate another clash," he said.

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