
JAKARTA - The DPR RI Legislation Body (Baleg) team paid a working visit in the context of socializing the National Legislation Program (Prolegnas) for the Fourth Amendment Bill 2020-2024 and the Prolegnas for the Priority Bill for 2023 to all components of society in Gorontalo Province.

The chairman of the House of Representatives' Kunker Baleg Team, Achmad Baidowi, explained that the purpose of this activity is for the public to know the plan to form a law that will regulate the life of the community and in the process of establishing the law, the public can provide input.

"So, in the end, every bill that will be enacted into law always reflects the needs and aspirations of the people," said the man who also serves as Deputy Chair of the Legislative Council of the Republic of Indonesia during a speech at the Gorontalo Provincial Governor's Office House, Gorontalo, Tuesday, January 31.

In his presentation, Baidowi explained that Kunker had several targets to be achieved, namely the establishment of communication with all elements of society and the Gorontalo Provincial Government regarding the legal formation process that had been set in the Prolegnas for the Priority Bill for 2023 and the Prolegnas for the Fourth Amendment Bill for 2020-2024 which was carried out by the Legislation Body together with the Government and DPD RI.

In addition, it is also hoped that the aspirations of the people in the regions and the Gorontalo Provincial Government will also be absorbed which have an interest in several or overall bills contained in the Prolegnas for the 2023 Priority Bill and the Prolegnas for the Fourth Amendment Bill for 2020-2024.

"Including, the discussion of the bill which is included in the list of the Prolegnas for the Priority Bill for 2023 and the Prolegnas for the Fourth Amendment Bill for 2020-2024 which is in accordance with the direction of national development policies and the realization of laws that are aspirational and meet legal needs in the community," said the politician from the PPP faction.

In response, Acting Governor of Gorontalo Province Hamka Hendra Noer welcomed the Baleg of the DPR RI to Gorontalo Province.

On that occasion, he entrusted a message from the public to the Legislative Council of the Republic of Indonesia regarding the proposed formation of five New Autonomy Regions (DOB) in Gorontalo Province that had been waiting for a long time. Thus, the proposal can be a concern to be submitted in the National Legislation Program.

"The five DOBs are Boliyohuto Regency, Panipi Regency, West Gorontalo Regency, Bone Coastal Regency and Telaga City," said Hamka.

Also present on this occasion were other members of the DPR RI Baleg, namely Ledia Hanifa Amaliah (F-PKS), Christina Aryani and Idah Syahidah Rusli Habibie (F-Golkar Party), Father HR Muhammad Syafii (Gerindra Party faction), Muhammad Farhan (Nasdem Party faction), and John Erizal (PAN faction).

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