
JAKARTA - A total of 13 teenagers with student status in Penjaringan, North Jakarta, who were involved in a brawl face sanctions from their education units, in the form of withdrawing and stopping educational assistance such as the Jakarta Smart Card (KJP) and the Jakarta Superior Student Card (KJMU).

According to the regulation on the withdrawal and termination of aid, according to the Head of the Metro Penjaringan Police, Commissioner of Police M Probandono Bobby Danuari in Jakarta, Tuesday, is contained in Article 26 in conjunction with Article 23 letter (f) of the Regulation of the Governor of DKI Jakarta Number 110 of 2021 concerning Social Education Assistance.

The brawl incident on Sunday, January 29 at around 04.00 WIB in front of the Tanah Pasir Street supermarket, Penjaringan Village, was successfully prevented by personnel from the Penjaringan Metro Police.

Within less than 1x24 hours, officers managed to arrest 13 teenagers, RW 07, RW 011 and RW 012 and RW 016, Penjaringan Village, Penjaringan District, North Jakarta.

Teenagers involved in the brawl included the initials FA (17), RDA (13), MR (15), FMR (14), IF (16), GM (16), RM (16), NM (16), IF (21), CHS (21), FI (17), MYA (19) and AS (17). They generally have student status.

"On average there are 13, 14, 15, 16, the older 21 years. They go to school, school children, students all on average, except for the 18th and 19th, there are busking, but all of them are still in school," said Bobby.

Bobby said, usually when the police have communicated to the education unit that there are students who do brawls, the KJP or KJMU owned by the student is immediately revoked according to the DKI Pergub Number 110 of 2021.

In the meantime, he said, the personnel of the Criminal Investigation Unit (Reskrim) of the Penjaringan Metro Police first fostered 13 teenagers suspected of being involved in a brawl between groups named "Penuin" and "Mawar" while keeping their fingerprints and identity documents.

"Of course there is an effect (on police records) because we keep their data. But in the meantime we will do coaching first, because they are still children and this is the first time they have been involved in a brawl," Bobby said as quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, January 31.

The motive for the 13 teenagers to join the group "Penuin" and "Mawar" was to create brawl content on Instagram. Bobby did not deny that when journalists mentioned there was an indication that this motive led to the desire to seek someone else's recognition of the greatness of their respective groups.

"The direction there, they apart from creating content, they want to have a confession. Of course, because this act was just carried out, we from the police immediately took firm action," he said.

"Don't let it take too long to become an anarchist gang whose intention is to injure people," said Bobby.

Based on the confessions of the 13 teenagers who were arrested, so far they have only been involved in a brawl. From the videos that their group uploaded on social media, there was also no attempt to injure each other.

But his party prevents this fad act from leading to revenge because if one person is injured, it is feared that it will actually become a brawl.

From the arrests of the 13 teenagers, the police managed to identify other social media accounts used by the group as media to invite brawls.

In these accounts, said Bobby, there are a number of live broadcasts of the location where teenagers gather to fight.

Meanwhile, the evidence confiscated from the "Penuin" and "Mawar" groups included two sharp sickle-type weapons.

However, there were no casualties or injuries from the brawl they were going to do. "Because the police managed to prevent the incident thanks to information from the local community," he said.

Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Polsek Metro Penjaringan Police Commissioner Harry Gasgari added that three anticipatory steps would be taken by his staff to minimize brawls.

First, prioritizing prevention activities in the form of patrols and placement of personnel at points prone to brawls.

Second, providing education to teenagers in schools that often fight by involving all elements of society.

Third, collect data on children involved in brawls and if repeated incidents are found, action will be taken according to applicable law.

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