
SOLO - Political observer from Sebelas Maret University (UNS) Surakarta Abdul Hakim said the closeness shown by the Mayor of Surakarta Gibran Rakabuming Raka with Megawati Soekarnoputri proved that Gibran as an important cadre in the PDIP. "I saw a message about the closeness of mas Gibran to Mrs. Mega, that is the most important. It gave a significant effect. internally gave a signal to PDIP cadres not to mess with his cadres that Gibran was under his protection so that it should not be disturbed," he said. While the message to be conveyed to the public clearly that Gibran is an important cadre for PDIP. According to him, Gibran is an important asset because at a young level, there are no cadres at the national level to be able to attract the attention of mass and boost party electability. "I think Gibran is clearly a figure who is skyrocketing. Yesterday there was a survey showing Gibran as the most common figure appeared in the news, it means that PDIP will also benefit from using Gibran's popularity, to raise PDIP's image," he said. Through this closeness, PDIP provides certainty that there will be behind Gibran both when advancing in the Pilkada of DKI Jakarta and Central Java. "That is a very important political capital. Gibran has a high bargaining power position in front of other parties. He no longer needs to enliven it in front of other parties because he already has PDIP behind him, "he said.

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