
JAKARTA - The difference in the chronology of events revealed by the Police regarding the death of a FISIP UI student named Muhammad Hasya Athallah Syahputra who was hit by a retired police car was strongly opposed by Hasya's legal team. Because the police version is considered to have no evidence.

"So in the chronology, whatever is opinions or is concluded, we do not agree," said Hasya's family attorney, Rian Hidayat to VOI, Tuesday, January 31.

With the difference in the chronology of events from the police version, Hasya's legal team rejected opinions or conclusions. The rejection was conveyed because according to him, whatever opinion and conclusion (regarding the chronology of the accident) it should be in court.

"Let the judge decide. In the investigation process, or in the legal examination, it is our job to reveal the facts. What the facts are happening, that's what was stated. It will be proven later in court. That's what we asked for," he said.

Seeing the handling of the accident case that happened to Hasya, Rian felt that something was odd and strange. Moreover, there was a suspect determination for the victim of a motorcycle rider who had died as a result of being hit by a car.

"Moreover, this victim was declared a suspect, we also did not accept it. In substance, Article 310 Paragraph 4 also did not enter. Because Article 310 paragraph 4 distinguishes between the perpetrator and the person who was hit by death. When the person who died became a suspect, so he committed suicide like he did. This is strange, when the suspect killed himself. So the suspect, it's strange," he explained in a surprised tone.

Traffic Director of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Latif Usman explained that the accident began when Hasya drove from Beji, Depok to Lenteng Agung area, South Jakarta at a speed of 60Km per hour on Thursday, October 6, evening.

"So at 21.30 WIB, the road was slippery and the rain was a bit drizzling. The victim's vehicle was traveling at a speed of approximately 60 (kilometers per hour). This is a statement from his own friend who was behind him," Kombes Latif told reporters, Friday, January 27.

While on Jalan Raya Srengseng Sawah in the Jagakarsa area, Hasya made a sudden braking. This is because there are other vehicles in front of him who want to turn right. As a result of the incident, Hasya slipped to the right side of the road which is the lane for the vehicle towards Beji, Depok.

At the same time, the Mitsubishi Pajero car with plate B 2447 RFS was brought by AKBP Purnawirawan Eko Setia BW. Hasya was hit by a car that did not have time to escape because the distance was too close. At that time the car was said to be traveling at a speed of 30 kilometers per hour.

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