
Polda Metro Jaya Traffic Director Kombes Latif Usman said Hasya's death in the accident occurred when the UI student drove from the direction of Beji Depok to the Lenteng Agung area, South Jakarta on Thursday, October 6, 2022, evening. At the time of the incident, Hasya was said to have spurred a motorcycle with number B 4560 KBH at a speed of 60 kilometers per hour.

Hasya's family attorney, Rian Hidayat, said that when his party provided assistance to Hasya's parents, his party did not see any evidence of CCTV footage taken to prove the speed of Hasya's motorbike which he said was traveling 60km per hour.

"We didn't explain it, there was no CCTV at that time. I was also confused when asked where the 60 km per hour went? Because when we were assisted, it was not explained that there was CCTV and it was not shown," Rian told VOI, Tuesday, January 31.

Hasya's statement to the police had no solid basis. The family and legal counsel want evidence as the basis for the explanation of the law enforcement officers.

"That's what we want (evidence). This is a case, don't just stop the suspect from dying, instead when he enters court later he can be caught. Witnesses were summoned and others. We also never saw any CCTV," he said.

The different versions mentioned by members of the Police to the family actually raise various questions from several circles. The case of an accident experienced by UI student with a retired police officer continues to be polemic.

"With the chronology which cornered that the victim of the late Hasya was a suspect, we have refused," he said.

Previously, it was reported that the emergence of two different chronological versions between the Police and the family of the death of a FISIP UI student named Muhammad Hasya Athallah Syahputra due to a traffic accident in the Srengseng Sawah area, South Jakarta on Thursday, October 6, 2022, still leaves a puzzle.

According to Hasya's family version, on the night of the incident Hasya was about to go to the boarding house of one of her friends, on the way, suddenly a motorbike in front of her drove slowly. Reflectively, Hasya dodged and then braked suddenly so that Hasya's motorbike fell to the right.

Not long after falling, from the opposite direction, an SUV (Pajero) driven by a retired National Police passed by, and ran over Hasya.

Not long after the incident, one of the people at the crime scene came to the crasher's Pajero driver and asked to help take Hasya to the hospital. But the driver refused.

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