
JAKARTA - The Indonesian Migrant Workers Protection Agency (BP2MI) and the Tulungagung Regency Manpower Social Service dismantled a shelter for prospective Indonesian migrant workers who were suspected of being illegal in Aryojeding Village, Tulungagung, East Java.

"Our raid operation was carried out on Saturday (28/1) yesterday. There were three prospective migrant workers and BLK owners (work training centers)," said Tulungagung Manpower Office Head Agus Santoso in Tulungagung, Monday, January 30, quoted by Antara.

The raid on the shelter location was carried out. However, the joint officers who took part in the inspection did not dare to take action for reasons of limited authority.

"The raids or inspections, we do not have such authority," said Agus.

According to Agus, his party does not have direct authority in terms of supervising P3MI (Indonesian Migrant Worker Placement Company) and BLK in Tulungagung because the provincial office has direct authority or authority.

"We will ask for the supervision authority of P3MI and BLK because it does not rule out the possibility of incidents in Aryojeding, only a small part. It is suspected that many P3MI and rogue BLK in Tulungagung committed fraud in sending prospective migrant workers," he said.

"The incident of sending illegal migrant workers, this (the incident in Aryojeding) was caught, which was not caught much," he added.

To anticipate repeated incidents, his party conducted socialization to the public about the mechanism for becoming an official migrant worker and forming a P3MI supervision task force in each sub-district.

"This will later be responsible for socializing to the community and supervising foreigners who are indicated to carry out recruitment activities for prospective migrant workers," he said.

Aryojeding Village Head Amiruddin when confirmed said the BLK had been operating since four years ago, but did not know the legality of the BLK because so far it had never given an operational permit.

"In the past, when I asked for permission, I did not allow it if the residents did not allow it," he said.

Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Tulungagung Police, Adjunct Commissioner of Police Agung Kurnia Putra, confirmed the raid when it was confirmed. "We are still investigating," he replied.

The BLK promised prospective migrant workers to be dispatched to Malaysia after the passport processing process, but not through official channels.

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