
SEMARANG - Kudus Regency Government (Pemkab) has imposed disciplinary sanctions on 14 state civil servants (ASN) or civil servants (PNS) throughout 2022. Dozens of ASN were proven to have committed a number of violations.

"Among them are those who lost state property, were absent from work for 28 days, there were those who committed infidelity, and divorce was not reported," said Head of the Education and Training Personnel Agency (BKPP) Kudus Putut Winarno in Kudus, Central Java (Central Java), Monday, January 30, was confiscated by Antara. Unreported divorce, he continued, violated the provisions of Article 3 PP number 45/1990 concerning Amendments to PP number 10/1983 concerning Marriage and Divorce Permits for PNS. He revealed that the heaviest sanctions given were in the form of dishonorable dismissal of civil servants who were absent from work for 28 days without information.

Meanwhile, other sanctions, in the form of giving a statement of dissatisfaction with the performance of civil servants from their superiors. Meanwhile, those who lost state goods were asked to replace them and received disciplinary sanctions in the form of release from office to staff. of the dozens of civil servants who committed violations of discipline, the most were teachers, there were nine people, the rest were employees in the offices of regional apparatus organizations (OPD). there is a disciplinary punishment for ASN who violates, it is hoped that it will be a deterrent effect for PSN to work seriously and always be a role model in the work environment, as well as in the community.

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