
SUMBAR - Payakumbuh City Public Service Mall (MPP) is equipped with a Illegal Sweeping Post (Saber Pungli). The post can be used by the general public to submit complaints regarding information on illegal levies (extortion) practices.

This was conveyed by the Acting Mayor (Pj) of Payakumbuh Mayor Rida Ananda during the inauguration of the Extortion Eradication Unit (UPP) of the Saber Extortion Task Force at the Payakumbuh City MPP, West Sumatra (West Sumatra), Monday, January 30.

"To the public, anyone who has information regarding illegal levies and gratuities should immediately report to the post that we have provided at the MPP," said Acting (Pj) Mayor of Payakumbuh Rida Ananda in Payakumbuh, Monday, January 30, confiscated by Antara.

He said the presence of the Saber Extortion Task Force UPP Post was to prevent extortion and gratification in Payakumbuh.

"Hopefully this can be used by the public as a place for complaints. If there is information and becomes a victim, immediately report it," he said.

Meanwhile, Payakumbuh Police Chief AKBP Wahyuni Sri Lestari said the police appreciated the move to present the UPP Post for the Saber Extortion Task Force.

"Because this post will be able to support the work of the Saber Extortion Task Force so that it can work optimally in preventing irregularities," he said at the location.

He said, there are several activities or steps that will be carried out from prevention to prosecution.

"This Saber Extortion Task Force UPP will involve many parties, starting from the inspectorate, prosecutor's office, and of course the police," he said.

Regarding prevention, he said, his party will increase in carrying out socialization to all regional technical implementing units (UPTD) so that there are no more irregularities in the implementation of all services.

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