
JAKARTA - The government plans to prepare as many as 47 apartment towers for the residence of the state civil apparatus (ASN) and Indonesian National Army (TNI) soldiers in the capital city of the archipelago (IKN). "The houses of ASN and TNI/Polri have been decided on 47 towers which will soon be built for around 16,900 ASN and TNI/Polri. 11 thousand ASN, 5 thousand TNI/Polri," said Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Basuki Hadimuljono in the Jakarta Presidential Palace, Antara, Monday, January 30. According to Basuki, the apartment is planned to be built in June-July 2023 and is targeted for completion in January 2024. "The construction is one year until 2024, it's an official residence. After that, maybe only there will be a site that can be purchased, but this is for ASN and TNI/Polri who serve there," added Basuki. Basuki said that the construction of apartments for ASN and TNI/Polri was in accordance with the concept of a "forest city". "If he (residential) does not (form) 'power', he will spread more and more. This is so as not to damage too much, to cut up forests," said Basuki. The apartment includes the residence of ASN families, he said. "The size (of the apartment) is big. That's why it must be surveyed first and who wants to be in the apartment, who wants to be 'landed'. The President's direction is like that," added Basuki. This means that ASN and TNI/Polri, he said, have a choice whether they want to live in an apartment or in a landed house. he said the total apartment budget value was Rp9.4 trillion for around 16 thousand ASN and TNI/Polri. The government plans IKN development with funding, which mostly comes from non-APBN. The total cost of IKN development according to the initial government estimate was IDR 466 trillion, which 80 percent came from non-APBN and 20 percent from the state budget. Budget funding will be used, among others, to build basic infrastructure, government buildings, presidential palaces, vice presidential palaces, and others. Meanwhile, non-APBN funding will use schemes that are allowed by law with investment, among others, to build international hospitals, integrated educational facilities, office areas, services, multi-purpose buildings, commercial commercial facilities, and residential facilities.

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