
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Health stated that Indonesia has held the third position in the world in terms of finding the most cases of developing diseases throughout 2021.

"Obviously disease is still a health problem in Indonesia. Our country occupies a third position, so its position is India, Brazil, Indonesia, Congo and Mozambique," said Director of Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases at the Ministry of Health, Imran Pambudi at the NTD's Day Media Meeting quoted by ANTARA, Monday, January 30.

Based on data from the World Health Organization (WHO) in the Weekly Epidemiological Record 2022, Imran said that in 2021 the discovery of cases of death in Indonesia reached 10,976 cases. The findings were much lower, compared to India with 75,394 cases and Brazil with 18,318 cases.

Then in the results of the 2022 National Kusta Situation Analysis, as many as 111 regencies/cities in Indonesia have not yet achieved elimination of their bodies. In 2022, the number of registered cases was 15,052 temporary cases for new cases found, 12,095 cases.

In the same data, Imran regretted that the proportion of new undisabled cases in 2022 was still 82.87 percent. The proportion of patients who experienced defects was level 2 6.37 percent and the proportion of new cases in children was 9.89 percent.

"This means that when viewed from this figure, especially the proportion of new cases in children, it means that transmission is still happening and there is still a lot of transmission in Indonesia. But if you look at the proportion of level 2 defects, it means that the arrest is too late and it needs the concern of all parties regarding this sadness," he said.

Imran further revealed that although the prevalence figures in Indonesia in 2022 were already at 0.55, the Ministry of Health noted that there were a number of provinces that had prevalence above the national average, namely West Papua, North Maluku, Papua, Maluku, North Sulawesi, Gorontalo and West Sulawesi.

In order to overcome the sad disease that is still found in Indonesia, the Ministry of Health seeks to strengthen the discovery of cases and early handling of cases as a way to achieve zero suppression.

Even though during 2020 to 2021, there was a downward trend in the discovery of cases due to COVID-19 which caused people to fear treatment at the puskesmas.

Starting in 2022 when the pandemic improved, the government began to intensify early detection again, so it can be seen that the trend of cases (which have been affected) has increased and the number of new cases has decreased.

"This does not mean that the case will decrease in 2020-2021, no. But the discovery of cases is decreasing, if now we are back to intensify again," he said.

Another step that the Ministry of Health encourages to eliminate electricity is to provide correct information, in order to suppress stigma, discrimination and hoaxes related to death. Procedures that start from diagnosis, treatment and treatment monitoring are also sought to be given as early as possible, including in providing medical treatment for disabilities.

The last response activity for the Ministry of Health is to provide preventive drugs to the public or people who have close contact with their sufferers through chemophylaxis.

"For patients, they are given through other treatment programs. Now there is Multi Drug Theraphy (MDT). So there is not one medicine but a combination (combine)," said Imran.

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