
JAKARTA - The Main Secretary of the National Population and Family Planning Agency (BKKBN) Tavip Agus revealed, with the social assistance (bansos) that has been disbursed by the DKI Provincial Government, there should be no extreme poor people in the capital city.

"Actually, the people in DKI have intervened with various existing schemes. This is what the root of the problem is looking for," said Tavip at Jakarta City Hall, Monday, January 30, as reported by Antara.

The provincial government has a number of social assistance programs for underprivileged communities. These include the Jakarta Smart Card (KJP), Elderly Identity Card, persons with disabilities card, Jakarta Worker Card, school operational assistance to subsidized food.

Head of the General Section of BPS DKI Jakarta, Suryana explained, the number of extreme poverty in Jakarta is equivalent to 0.89 percent of the total population of DKI to 10.7 million people.

"Extreme poverty in Jakarta from 0.6 percent to 0.89 percent or an increase of 0.29 percent," he said.

He explained that the extreme poverty data was evenly distributed throughout the DKI area but was mostly spread in North Jakarta (Jakut).

Indicators of extreme poverty are the level of people's ability to shop or purchasing power only reaches below IDR 11,633 per person per day or around IDR 350 thousand per month.

The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government has combed 95,668 extreme poor people in the capital city in March 2022. This figure is up 0.29 percent compared to March 2021 which reached around 95,391 people.

Penyelidiran dilakukan untuk mempermudah intervensi pemerintah mengurangi kemiskinan.

"We are focused on how to intervene in a short time by setting targets," said Head of the DKI Jakarta Regional Planning and Development Agency (Bappeda) Atika Nur Rahmania.

The search was carried out to ensure that the data according to the name and address so that the government's program provided to alleviate extreme poverty was right on target.

"So that's the 'by name by address' that we have to identify. Who is the 95 thousand?," he said.

The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government (Pemprov) cooperates with the BKKBN and the DKI Jakarta Central Statistics Agency (BPS) to identify the extreme poverty data.

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