JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) assesses that the cost of the pilgrimage should indeed increase. They think that if there is no adjustment, the one who loses is the congregation who is still waiting for their turn to leave.
"The fighter who did not increase the cost of Hajj seemed to defend the pilgrims who were leaving this year but was not aware that it had burdened and harmed the pilgrims who had not yet departed," said KPK Deputy Chair Nurul Ghufron in a written statement, Monday, January 30.
Ghufron said the cost of the pilgrimage did need to increase. Moreover, the cost of the pilgrimage (bipih) to be paid to Saudi Arabia reached Rp. 98.3 million.
Thus, subsidies from the government managed by the Hajj Financial Management Agency (BPKH) must be calculated carefully. If not, the money could be quickly depleted by the pilgrims who had left first.
"This is what we all need to know so that we do not then assess that the cost of Hajj is increased and then burdens the congregation arbitrarily," he said.
"Because if it is not increased, the people who are harmed are the pilgrims who have not left," continued Ghufron.
For information, the cost of Hajj is now in the public spotlight. The reason is that there was a proposal for an increase from the Ministry of Religion during a working meeting with Commission VIII of the DPR some time ago.
At that time, Minister of Religion Yaqut Cholil Qoumas said the financing burden was using a 70-30 percent scheme. As much as 70 percent or IDR 69 million is borne by the congregation, while 30 percent or IDR 29.7 million is borne by the government.
In this regard, the Director General of Hajj and Umrah Implementation of the Ministry of Religion (Kemenag) Hilman Latief understands that the proposed increase in Hajj costs to IDR 69 million is not a popular policy. However, for the sake of sustainability and protecting the right to the benefit of the pilgrims, this is claimed to be done.
"Maybe this proposal is not popular but Gus Men (Minister of Religion Yaqut Cholil Qoumas) did it to protect the right value of the benefits of all Hajj pilgrims while maintaining their sustainability," Hilman said in a written statement, Saturday, January 21.
Hilman said the value of benefits sourced from the management of hajj funds by the Hajj Financial Management Agency (BPKH) is the right of all pilgrims from the country.
"Including more than 5 million who are still waiting for the queue to leave," he said.
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