
TANGERANG - The police have determined seven perpetrators of throwing Persis Solo's bus stones in the Kelapa Dua area, Tangerang Regency as suspects. The 7 people had the initials MR (23), HK (19), IA (19), FS (21), MFM (22), DH (24) and GR (18).

"The 7th person has been named a suspect," said South Tangerang Police Chief, AKBP Faisal Febrianto to reporters, Monday, January 30.

Faisal explained that the incident began when a Persis Solo bus passed on Jalan Raya Legok, Kelapa Dua, Tangerang Regency. However, when he arrived at the crime scene (TKP), the bus carrying Laskar Sambernyawa team was damaged.

Bis is damaged and there is an official who suffered a broken cut in his windshield. The bus shattered the glass, "he said.

The police who received the report immediately followed up and finally arrested two perpetrators with the initials HK and GR.

Furthermore, the arrest of the two perpetrators was developed until the arrest of five other perpetrators on Jalan Benteng Makasar Cisadane, Tangetang City.

Then we are still developing. It is possible that there will be additional suspects because until now the Opsional Team is still pursuing several Persita supporters.

The 7 perpetrators were charged with Article 170 of the Criminal Code with a threat of 5 years and 6 months in prison.

"Wearing 170 Criminal Codes is a threat of 5 years and 6 months," he concluded.

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