
BOGOR Team Kujang Polresta Bogor City West Java Police again held a liquor operation (alcohol) and night patrols, Saturday, January 28 evening until early Sunday, January 29th. As a result, 546 bottles of alcohol were confiscated.

Led by Katim Kujang, Kasat Intelkam Kompol Rizki and Kasat Reskrim Kompol Rizka Fadhila, the operation of alcohol and night patrols involved 15 Joint Personnel of the Intel, Criminal Investigation Unit and Drugs.

This time, the Kujang Team boosted the circulation of alcohol along Jalan Pajajaran, Central Bogor District, Bogor City.

From this location, the Kujang Team managed to confiscate 546 bottles of alcohol from various brands. The details consist of Intisari 75 bottles, Soju 154 bottles, Kawa Kawa 157 bottles, White Wine 7 bottles, Iceland 15 bottles, Red Wine 43 bottles, Drum Risky 9 bottles, Kuda Mas 24 bottles, Kolesom 8 bottles Wine, Ginseng 8 bottles wine and Alexis 60 bottles.

Bogor City Police Chief Kombes Bismo Teguh Prakoso explained that his party would continue to carry out regular night vulnerability operations and patrols.

"This is a preventive measure to anticipate the potential vulnerability of street crime," he explained, Sunday, January 29.

According to him, with efforts to anticipate this crime, it is hoped that it will be able to reduce disturbances in public order to threaten community activities with violence in the jurisdiction of the Bogor City Police.

"We also carry out regional monitoring and the potential for night crime vulnerabilities such as theft with violence (cruel), theft with weight (CUrus), motor vehicle theft (Curanmor) to teenage brawls," said Kombes Bismo.

Apart from the Kujang Team, Bajra's ranks with Blue light Patrol are also moving regularly to provide effect determination, including visiting the public to get information regarding the vulnerability that occurs.

"So that more and more conduciveness of social security in the Bogor City area," he concluded.

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