
TANGERANG - The Mayor of Solo, Gibran Rakabuming Raka, spoke about the incident of throwing stones which was allegedly carried out by Persita Tangerang supporters against bus players and the Persis Solo Official team in Tangerang Regency, Saturday, January 28.

He assessed that the stone-throwing incident would continue to occur, if there was no firm action from related parties. Gibran also linked the incident to the Kanjuruhan Stadium Tragedy.

"The throwing of the bus will continue to occur. This is a series of absence of firm opposition against the perpetrators of the riots in Kanjuruhan," Gibran said in a short message to, Sunday, January 29.

"If Malang is not punished, then others will not be afraid to do the same. And this will continue as long as there is no firmness against supporters," he continued.

Interestingly, in this submission, Gibran relied on his hopes to the Minister of SOEs, Erick Thohir, not to the current Chairman of PSSI, Mochamad Iriawan alias Iwan Bule.

It is known that Erick Thohir has registered as a candidate for PSSI general chairman for the 2023-2027 period.

"I have high hopes for Mr. Erick," he concluded.

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