The Defendant Rionald Anggara Soerjanto Was Sentenced To 4 Years In Prison On Fraud Cases
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The panel of judges at the South Jakarta District Court sentenced Rionald Anggara Soerjanto to four years in prison in a case of alleged fraud and embezzlement with the victim PT Asli Draft Indonesia (ARI).

"There has been a verdict, 4 years in prison," said Public Relations of the South Jakarta District Court, Djuyamto during confirmation, Saturday, January 28.

In the verdict hearing held on Thursday, January 26, the panel of judges assessed that Rionald Anggara Soerjanto's actions had met the criminal element of Article 374 Juncto Article 55 paragraph 1 to 1 of the Criminal Code Juncto Article 64 of the Criminal Code.

However, the verdict was lower than the indictment of the public prosecutor (JPU). Originally, Rionald Anggara Soerjanto was sentenced to imprisonment for 4 years and six months.

Separately, Rionald's legal adviser, Ragahdo Yosodiningrat, said he had not yet determined legal steps regarding the appeal. The reason, he will discuss it first with his client.

"Later we will discuss it first, later if for example it is, next week we will come here again (within). We want to discuss first with Rio," said Ragahdo.

In this series of cases, there were five other suspects. They include Alim Sutamto (US), Fredy Widjaja (FW), Franciscus Januar Halim (FJ), Michael Cheung (MC) and Tedjo Soeprajogi Liman (TS).

"Investigators from the Criminal Investigation Directorate of the National Police's Criminal Investigation Unit have named five new suspects in the investigation of alleged criminal acts of fraud and/or embezzlement and money laundering crimes that occurred at PT ARI," said Karo Penmas, Police Public Relations Division, Brigadier General Ahmad Ramadhan.

The five suspects allegedly participated and helped Rionald Anggara Soerjanto in committing fraud and/or embezzlement at PT Asli Draft Indonesia.

"The suspects acted as engineering reselers who seemed to be working to market PT ARI products, thus receiving a sales commission of between 20 and 30 percent of the sales value," said Ramadhan.

In fact, continued Ramadhan, based on the facts of their investigation they did not do the job at all.

"In fact, they accommodated funds resulting from fraud and embezzlement in various banking accounts with a value of more than Rp37 billion," said Ramadhan.

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