
MAGELANG now there are no more people in Sugihmas Village, Grabag District, Magelang Regency who must go all the way to find clean water. There are no longer long queues of residents taking clean water in the mosque's water pool.

The clean water distribution network was successfully realized by the Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo. At that time, the Governor admitted that it was difficult to find a way to drain water from the source to Sugihmas Village which is located more above.

Thanks to the collaboration of the Central Java Provincial Government, the Magelang Regency Government and the Sugihmas Village Government, the problem is resolved. In 2021, the handling project will be completed after water from sources in the lower villages can be sucked with machines.

"Previously there was no water. If it was dry, it was difficult to find water, it had to be up to 2 km. A day I got 2 buckets-3 buckets," recalled a resident of Sugihmas Village, Asmuni at his home, Saturday, January 28.

This 49-year-old man still remembers the difficulty of finding water, because the location of the water source is far away. For residents who own a car, the distance is not a problem. But for residents who do not own a car, they must transport water with makeshift equipment.

"Bathing is difficult, looking for water up to 2 km, the water source is far away. If you have a car, if you don't have it, you have to walk," said RT 5 RW 12.

Ela Hikmawati, the housewife of Sugihmas Village, also shared her experience when it was difficult to get water. This 27-year-old woman recalled that when she was pregnant, she still had to struggle to get clean water.

"Ndilahe saat ngepsipasi kula dalam keadaan hamil (kebetulan saat itu kondisi saya hamil). Setiap ajeng mandi, kedahe mlebu neng kondang masjid (tiap mau menjadi bertemu di kondam masjid). Ten griya nggih hihon kolah, tapi air sing soking sumber, enggak sampai rumah (di rumah ada kondang air tapi air dari sumber tidak sampai rumah). Jadi harus ten panna masjid," ucap Ela di depan rumahnya.

In fact, he also often can't sleep at night. Especially when a clean water truck arrives. Ela had to rush to get water. Even that, he had to queue up and when he got the water aid quota there was not much either. So, the amount of water he received must be used as well as possible.

"Now after the assistance from Pak Ganjar, I am very grateful. Sak niki boten ten pond mosques (now no longer have to go to the mosque's water pool)," he said.

The governor when monitoring village conditions before there was a clean water network, did see the need for water was very urgent. At that time, conditions were quite difficult to find how to drain water from sources in the lower areas. Now, the network has been installed with water network drivers using solar panels.

Sugihmas Village Head, Srianto said the governor's efforts also accelerated the realization of the residents' dreams of getting clean water easily. So Srianto took advantage of the Governor's assistance and collaborated with the local district government and village government.

"Assistance in 2020, this is a follow-up to the arrival of the Governor, providing assistance to the Governor in the amount of Rp 200 million. Because we are scheduled for the construction of a comprehensive clean water network. The funds are not sufficient. In 2020 we bought a 6.5 km pipe. In 2021, from the assistance of the Governor of Central Java, it will provide Rp 400 million. We allocate that value for the purchase of pump packages and solar panels with two packages, "said Srianto in his village, Saturday.

Another pump package unit, the village government seeks to go through village funds. Currently, all solar pumps and panels have been installed and are functioning. There are eight hamlets in the village that have had an impact on the existence of a clean water channel network. "That's about 900 families who have observed the clean water network," explained the village head.

The benefits of clean water, especially for basic needs, to household needs and others. Not only that, he continued, the existence of clean water networks was also able to reduce the village stunting rate. In 2020, the Grabag II Health Center recorded 184 stunting children. It turned out that in 2022, there were 84 children who indicated stunting.

As for the maintenance of clean water networks, special Suprapto officers, continue to care for the clean water channel. If the water distribution is not smooth or does not come out as usual, the officer will immediately check.

"At least there is a leak, or a leak on the road, there is a release pre-loss, we will continue. Keep tracing it down. Sometimes if it breaks, it is connected. If it leaks, change the price. There is pre-lon stock," explained Suprapto.

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