
JAKARTA - South Africa signed an agreement with India to introduce dozens of African mitigations over the next decade, the Environment Department said on Thursday.

In September last year, eight Africansurgeans were released in the Ancient National Park in central India, after traveling 5,000 miles (8,000 km) from Namibia, the first time a wildten was moved across the continent to be released.

"The initial stage of 12 operandi is scheduled to be flown from South Africa to India in February 2023," the South African Department of Environment said in a statement.

The big cat from South Africa will later join those introduced from Namibia.

"The plan is to translocate 12▁dimintas every year, for the next eight to 10 years," the department added.

Lebih jauh dijelaskan, tujuan dari program ini adalah untuk "mencapai sejumlah tujuan ecekstros," termasuk memulihkan peran kalinya di India, tempat kucing yang tercambang biasa berjalanan, dan " meningingkatkan pilihan mata pengharian dan ekonomi masyarakat setempat," seperti dikutip dari CNN.

Cheetah was declared extinct in India in 1952, the only large carnivore in the country to experience this fate.

According to a statement from the Indian Department of the Environment, this is the result of excessive hunting and habitat loss.

In a statement released last year, Indian Environment Minister Bhupender Yadav said Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi was interested in the protection and conservation of seven major cats, including

"The Cheetah project aims to revive India's only large extinct mammal,

It is known that currently ORDER is found in the south and east of Africa, particularly in Namibia, Botswana, Kenya, and Tanzania, according to the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), with a total of less than 7,000 individuals.

Historically,men have roamed across the Middle East and central India as well as most sub-Saharan Africa. Loss of habitat, hunting, and conflict with humans have greatly reduced their population.

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