
JAKARTA - The Directorate of Cyber Crime, Bareskrim Polri, plans to summon influencers in the aftermath of the rise of 'online epidemic' content bathing in mud. The plan, they will be collected next week.

"So the wisdom of the Director of Cyber Crime wants to stay in touch or collect or match with influencers as well as content creators who have a lot of followers," said Head of Sub-Directorate I of the Directorate of Cyber Crime at the National Police Criminal Investigation Unit Kombes Reinhard Hutagaol to reporters, Saturday, December 28.

The gathering of content creators and influencers aims to appeal and educate about not involving parents and children in content creation.

So, later the content created will not cause polemics and controversy in the community.

"So maybe he will convey that in making content, he still refers to the principles of propriety. propriety means not involving small children, parents and so on," he said.

However, in the process of collecting content, creators and influencers will be selective. Because, now it is approaching the political year.

This intends to prevent the emergence of other issues that actually cause different perceptions in society.

"Mr. Cyber Director is also a bit careful in gathering influencers because this is related to the political year. So if we call those related to political parties, it may also be wrong. So maybe he will be selected the best from him to convey to influencers or content creators who have a lot of followers," he explained.

Furthermore, Reinhard added that influencers and content creators of the mud bath will be summoned next week.

"We are a bit selective, because what I mentioned earlier is that we are still neutral but have a lot of followers. Maybe if not this week, next week," said Reinhard.

Meanwhile, this step was taken after the viral content of mothers bathing in the mud uploaded by the TikTok account @intan_komalasari92.

Although, from the results of the search and deepening of the 'emak-emak' involved, they were willing without any coercion. Moreover, the owner of the account is the children of the mothers.

"Then 3 people who have appeared on the live broadcast of the TikTok account with the content bathing in the mud have the initials LS (49), IR (54), and HRT (43)," said Head of Public Relations of the NTB Police, Kombes Artanto.

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