
The South Sumatra Regional Police (Polda Sumsel) are hunting for a fake police officer suspected of committing fraud with hypnotized modes to a number of women in Palembang City. Head of Subbid Penmas Bid Humas Polda Sumsel AKBP Yenni Diarty said the fraud mode was obtained based on residents' complaints through a virtual police assistance service number. His party has collected more than one complaint over the past few days from residents of Palembang City, female who claims to be a victim of fraud and extortion. The resident's complaint attached the identity card of the alleged perpetrator, with the initials AS, a resident of Sidoarjo Regency, East Java with the status of a divorce marriage (duda). Then, also attached a photo of the police card belonging to the alleged US perpetrator, with the rank of police brigade on duty at the South Sumatra Police, and a cell phone number. According to him, in a virtual complaint, the victim said that the alleged perpetrator relied on the identity as a member of the police who was a widower to approach him. Then, the victim was hypnotized so that he complied with the wishes of the alleged perpetrator, including making video calls while opening his aurat. “ The video was recorded by him which was later used as a tool to blackmail the woman by asking for some money. If the exciting video is not followed, it will be distributed by the alleged perpetrator,” he told reporters in Palembang, Antara, Friday, January 27. He said that currently the South Sumatra Police cyber team was tracking the whereabouts of the alleged perpetrator with his cellphone number which was reported through the police assistance number. The hunt for the alleged perpetrator also involved personnel from the Palembang Polrestabes and their ranks in the hope that the alleged perpetrator could be caught soon. "Moreover, this alleged crime is on behalf of the institution (Polri) even though it is not a member," he said. Hal tersebut terkonfirmasi, katanya pula, berdasarkan pengecekan Biro SDM Polda Sumsel memastikan kartu identitas anggota polisi itu fake, sehingga yang bersangkutan bukan anggota polisi alias fake. For his actions, the alleged perpetrator can be suspected of violating Article 378 of the Criminal Code on Fraud, or Article 29 of Law Number 11 of 2008 concerning Information and Electronic Transactions, with the threat of imprisonment for four years and a fine of Rp. 750 million.

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