
Garut Police have prepared material and personnel assistance for the construction of a mosque that was previously burned by people with mental disorders (ODGJ) in Leles District, Garut Regency, West Java.

"Today is a symbolic handover. God willing, we are targeting three weeks to be completed," said Garut Police Chief AKBP Rio Wahyu Anggoro when handing over aid for the construction of the burning Al Hidayah Mosque, Friday, January 27.

The Garut Police immediately moved quickly when they received reports of mosque fires by securing the perpetrators. The perpetrators have also been taken to a mental hospital in West Bandung for further treatment.

After that, his staff together with the community and other agencies went to the field to help clean up the material of the burning mosque building.

"The first day after the fire we immediately cleaned it up, we secured the perpetrator and taken him to the hospital, all members of the police were taken down to clean up," he also said.

The police chief said that the fire incident was a disaster, for that the police together with community leaders, and other agencies were ready to help the community by rebuilding the mosque.

The development process, he said, involved the community, police officers, and also a number of builders. During the construction process, they will be monitored and occasionally review the progress directly, as well as what the community needs for the place of worship.

"All the assistance provided, what is needed by the Al Hidayah Mosque, we will fulfill it, we will fix it, and we will fix it as before, we will raise it," he said again.

The mosque that will be built, he said, will be better, according to the community's request the building will be higher and expanded, as well as the circulation to make it more comfortable.

"The mosque will be better, the DKM request for the mosque to be updated, raised to 4 meters, air circulation, and steel frames," he said.

Chairman of the Garut Regency Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) KH Sirojul Munir expressed his gratitude for the concern of the Garut Police who helped build the mosque.

"The police chief is so quick to take action to deal with the issue of the burning of the Al Hidayah Mosque, and I appreciate this, and he really salutes him, and frankly, we from MUI feel ashamed of him, lose step, should be the first MUI," he also said.

Previously, an ODGJ burned goods in the mosque causing the mosque building to catch fire. The perpetrator was then secured and taken to a mental hospital in West Bandung.

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