MATARAM - A state civil apparatus in Mataram City, West Nusa Tenggara, with the initials SM (40) who became a fake police officer is now facing up to nine years in prison.
Kasatreskrim Polresta Mataram Kompol Kadek Adi Budi Astawa said the criminal threat was in accordance with the results of the case title which indicated that the suspect's actions led to allegations of Article 368 of the Criminal Code regarding extortion.
"So, the results of the case title, the suspect's actions as a fake police officer lead to allegations of extortion, which carries a penalty of nine years in prison," said Kadek Adi in Mataram, Antara, Friday, January 27.
The alleged article, he explained, refers to a series of investigations that have examined witnesses from a number of victims.
In the case of SM, who disguised himself as the Head of the Mataram Police Buser Unit with the rank of adjunct police commissioner (AKP), it was recorded that he carried out his actions against a number of victims with various tricks.
First, the victim named Sri Yuanita from Perumnas, Mataram City. The perpetrator offered to buy confiscated goods from the police to the victim in a nominal value of Rp41 million.
In this action, the suspect allegedly offered goods with the threat of extortion using a match gun. To convince him that he is a member of the police, SM is dressed like a buser wearing PDH Polri shoes.
Then there was another victim named Wulan who was caught in the suspect's strategy with a loss of Rp120 million. The suspect got the money after promising the graduation of the victim's child in the National Narcotics Agency (BNN) employee test.
There were other victims, namely four Lombok earthquake volunteers who came from Surabaya. They became victims of extortion with an average loss of Rp. 1 million to Rp. 2 million per person.
Another victim from the hotel where SM stayed for two weeks until the last day of the arrest. The suspect is in arrears in paying the inn room with a shield as the Head of the Mataram Police Buser Unit.
From a series of actions, the suspect admitted that the victim's money had been used up for fashion and drug parties.
In the development of the handling of this case, Kadek Adi said investigators had transferred SM's case file to the research prosecutor.
"So, the status of the handling, we are still waiting for the results of the prosecutor's research," he said.
In addition, investigators are still coordinating with the place where ASN works, namely the River Basin Center (BWS) to ensure the employment status of the suspect.
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