
Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo hopes that teachers and parents are actively involved in accompanying their children. If there are acts of sexual harassment and children become victims, they must also dare to speak up. The statement was conveyed by Ganjar in response to a number of cases of sexual violence against children in Central Java recently.

"Yes, the teacher is accompanying him, parents must also now seriously accompany their children," said Ganjar, Friday, January 27.

In recent times, a number of cases of sexual abuse of children in a number of areas in Central Java have been widely reported. The case has also been handled by the police. Ganjar said that the perpetrators of sexual abuse had to be processed according to the applicable law and could not escape. He hopes that similar cases do not happen again, so that all parties have a role to be able to protect children. Yesterday, an example appeared like the one in Brebes earlier, I said please handle it with the police. So no one should escape when it comes to violence against children,' he said. Ganjar emphasized the importance of education so that children are protected. If there is violence, dare to speak so that cases can be revealed and handled. In addition, so that there is assistance to the victims appropriately.

Ganjar also asked all parties to play a role in preventing the story of sexual violence against children, especially some of which were carried out by people in the immediate environment of the victim. This white-haired governor asked religious leaders and community leaders to take part in prevention and educating.

Sometimes something bad happened yesterday. The teacher did it, then the close person who did it, now there are community leaders who are our religious leaders, we are the ones who educate, the child is to be loved and prepared, not persecuted," he said.

As a preventive measure related to this, Ganjar said that his party had also disseminated a contact number from the Central Java DP3AKB that could be contacted for complaints. The contact is at number 08579966444 for violent services or violent consultations. In addition, there is also a family consultation service at service number 0857999972111. There is already a mechanism prepared by them, so if the students yesterday said let's all have to speak up, yes, we have to speak up, it must be conveyed," said Ganjar. The former member of the DPR RI said, the Central Java Provincial Government ensures protection for the reporter, including the victim.

"We will protect all those who become reporters so that they will really understand that this is well protected so that we can finish it well," he said.

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