
JAKARTA - For the NasDem Party, President Joko Widodo's meeting with General Chair Surya Paloh indicated that the relationship between the two national figures was very good. "The meeting indicates that the relationship between the two is very good and humane," said NasDem Party DPP Treasurer Ahmad Sahroni, as reported by ANTARA.

Sahroni said he was proud of the meeting between Jokowi and Surya Paloh because the two were role models. Furthermore, Sahroni said he knew the meeting was held on Thursday (26/1) afternoon. However, he did not know the content of the conversation between the two figures. "I do not know what was discussed because I did not participate in the meeting," he said, Friday, January 27. Previously, the meeting between Jokowi and Surya Paloh had been confirmed by the Deputy for Protocol, Press and Media of the Presidential Secretariat Bey Machmudin.

Bey said the meeting was held at the Presidential Palace, Jakarta, Thursday (26/1). "That's right, there was a meeting yesterday afternoon," he said. However, he did not reveal in more detail the contents of the meeting. The same thing was also conveyed by NasDem Central Leadership Council (DPP) Chairman Charles Meikyansyah who said there were no NasDem cadres accompanying Surya Paloh at the meeting.

However, Charles also did not explain in detail the discussion at Surya Paloh's meeting with President Jokowi.

The meeting took place in the midst of news of a cabinet reshuffle due to pressure from PDIP politicians on ministers from the NasDem Party, because the party had declared former DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan a presidential candidate in the 2024 election.

President Jokowi has also commented several times on the cabinet reshuffle, but did not specify the exact time. The president only asked the public to wait for the reshuffle.

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