
The death of a FISIP UI student at the 2022 Force Department of Sociology Bachelor Program named Muhammad Hasya Athallah Syahputra still leaves deep memories for his parents.

Hasya, as the victim was called, turned out to have many achievements and became the pride of the family.

"In general, the deceased was a matter of pride for our family. It could not be expressed in words, frankly," said Adi Syahputra, the father of the late Hasya to VOI at the ILUNI UI Secretariat, UI Salemba Campus Rectorate Building, Central Jakarta, Friday, January 27.

Muhammad Hasya Athallah Syahputra entered the University of Indonesia (UI) through an achievement path. This is also what makes him proud for his parents.

"In our family, only he has entered UI with an achievement path," he said.

Muhammad Hasya Athallah Syahputra is the eldest of two children. Hasya is the son of pride for Adi Syahputra and Ira, his mother.

Hasya's achievements are unmitigated. He is also an athlete in the field of martial arts Taekwondo.

Hasya's achievements were also recognized by Rian Hidayat, as the ILUNI UI Advocacy Team who was guarding the case. According to Rian, he knew that at that time Hasya was still a new student.

"He passed the path of achievement, and before the incident he finished the race too. Hasya is an outstanding student," he told VOI.

Previously, it was reported that the University of Indonesia Alumni Association (ILUNI UI) stated that it would continue to oversee the advocacy process for the death of M Hasya Athalah, a FISIP UI student at the 2022 Force Department of Sociology Bachelor Program who died in a traffic accident in the Srengseng Sawah area, South Jakarta on October 6, 2022, then.

Rian Hidayat, as the ILUNI UI Advocacy Team for victims Hasya emphasized that his party continued to guard until the late Hasya got justice.

"We want this to be processed, so that there is justice and transparency. Regarding wrong or right, let the court's decision be later. Because what we got the latest information about the SP3 was because the late Hasya had died," Rian told VOI at the ILUNI UI Secretariat, UI Salemba Campus Rectorate Building, Central Jakarta, Friday, January 27.

ILUNI UI also questioned the attitude towards the Police regarding the determination of the suspect against Hasya.

"We are asking why the deceased was made a suspect. We will demand justice," he said.

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