
Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo hopes that migrant workers are willing to share their knowledge and experiences while working abroad after returning to the country. "I hope that the transfer of knowledge exists, culture and work discipline are studied, respected in principle, where the earth is stepped on there the sky is upheld, and hopefully it won't be forever there," he told ANTARA, Friday 27 January. He also hopes that workers who work in South Korea will be able to take advantage of the knowledge and experience gained while working abroad to get better work or building business. "In the future they will go home so that they can join a larger job in our place or they become entrepreneurs (entrepreneurs)," he said.Head of BP2MI Benny Rhamdani explained that the government facilitates Indonesian citizens who follow official procedures to work abroad. "We equip PMI (Indonesian migrant workers) in the form of state credentials. With the letter, it means that the state recognizes the existence of workers who are abroad, especially those who depart officially through the government," he said.Migrant worker candidates, he continued, also got facilities in the form of special transit sites at a number of airports. In the verification activity of the EPS-Topic Examination Document for Indonesian Migrant Workers at Semarang State University, there are about 17,000 PMI candidates who follow the stages of verifying registration documents. "They will be selected according to the quota provided, namely as many as 12 thousand to 18 thousand, specifically in South Korea, "said Benny. Applicants who pass the verification will be sent to South Korea to work in the G to G South Korea Sector Manufacturing and Fisheries.

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