
Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy (Menparekraf) Sandiaga Uno conveyed a number of achievements in 2022, one of which was the visit of foreign tourists (tourists) which reached 150 percent of the target.

Sandiaga Uno said, from the target upper limit of 3.6 million foreign tourists visiting, as of November 2022 foreign tourists visiting Indonesia had touched 4.58 million foreign tourists.

"What is very proud, Mr. Chairman and Member of Commission X and the tourism and creative economy community (tourism and creative economy), that foreign tourist visits are at the upper limit or the most optimistic target is 3.6 million, as of November 2022 we have exceeded that at 4.58 million foreign tourists. This is an increase of almost 150 percent of the target that has been given," said Sandiaga Uno in a working meeting with Commission X DPR RI, quoted on Friday, January 27.

Ada pun untuk target kunjungan wisantara (wisnus) telah tercapai sebanyak 633 juta perjalanan. Selain itu, Indonesia juga mampu meraih ranked 32 dalam Travel and Tourism Development Index di atas Malaysia dan Thailand.

Furthermore, Sandiaga Uno also conveyed that the achievement of the number of tourism personnel increased from a projection of 21.64 million to 22.89 million workers. Meanwhile, for the creative economy, from the target of 22.29 million workers, 23.98 million workers have been achieved.

"This means that we have created more than 3 million new jobs in 2022," said the former Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta.

Please note, the foreign exchange target for the tourism sector and the creative economy, which is set at 1.71 billion US dollars, as of November 2022, has reached 4.26 billion US dollars, or three times the target.

"The target contribution of tourism GDP from 3.6 percent has also been achieved. The export value of creative economy products, which is projected to be 25.33 percent, as of November 2022, has reached 24.8 billion US dollars. The added value of the creative economy has been achieved according to the target of Rp1,236 trillion," said Sandiaga Uno.

Meanwhile, in terms of budget, Sandiaga Uno said that the realization of the Kemenparekraf budget in 2022 has reached IDR 3.49 trillion or 97.13 percent of the 2022 budget ceiling of IDR 3.59 trillion as of January 17, 2023.

Budget realization is allocated for tourism and creative economy programs at 98.14 percent, education and vocational training programs at 97.1 percent and management support programs at 95.5 percent.

As for the realization of the budget based on the source of funds, namely from pure rupiah of 97.2 percent, the realization of non-tax revenues of 87.1 percent, foreign loans of 96.8 percent and the Public Service Agency of 99.7 percent.

Meanwhile, the realization of the Kemenparekraf budget per type of expenditure is for work units of 97.8 percent, the autorita executive body is 93.8 percent, the UPT for higher education is 96.4 percent and deconcentration or assistance duties is 92.7 percent.

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