
JAKARTA - The Office of Supervision and Customs and Excise Service (KPPBC) Type Madya Excise Kudus, Central Java, succeeded in thwarting the delivery of illegal cigarettes through goods delivery services in Kudus. Including shipping using passenger cars with evidence of 366,000 illegal cigarettes. "Evidence that was secured from the freight forwarding service was 116,000 sticks, while from a passenger car as many as 250,000 sticks," said Head of KPPBC Type Madya Kudus Moh Arif Setijo Nugroho in Kudus, as reported by Antara, Thursday, January 26. Cases of sending illegal cigarettes through goods delivery services were successfully revealed on January 20, 2023, including 112,400 cigarettes of machine kretek cigarettes (SKM) and 3,600 hand-kretek cigarettes (SKT). The disclosure, he said, was after receiving information that a delivery service warehouse was allegedly used as a place to sort excisable goods in the form of illegal cigarettes. Then an examination was carried out on the suspected package, found 553 SKM and 28 SKT types of cigarettes with various brands without excise stamps attached, nine SKM types of slops and two SKT types of slops attached to excise stamps allegedly fake. The total estimated value of goods is IDR 114.29 million with a potential state revenue of IDR 97.6 million. Meanwhile, the disclosure of illegal cigarettes transported by microbuses was successfully secured by a team at a restaurant on Jalan Raya Welahan Jepara on Tuesday night. From the results of the examination, it was found that 25 SKM-type cigarette cartons with various brands without excise tape attached. Meanwhile, the estimated value of goods is IDR 313.75 million with a potential state revenue of IDR 215.04 million.

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