
JAKARTA - KPU chairman Hasyim Asyari said that former convicts may run for regional heads or members of the legislature. According to his records, the nomination was carried out after five years of being released from his criminal sentence.

"If you have been convicted of more than five years of threat, you may run for office when you have finished serving your sentence, or after becoming a former convict, or the layman's term has been purely free. And the pure free duration has been more than five years," said Hasyim in a dialogue entitled Increasing Sad News, Hate Speech, Identity Politics, Political Polarization, and SARA in the 2024 Election, in South Jakarta, Thursday, January 26, quoted by Antara.

This statement is Hasyim's answer regarding the debate about people who have been exposed to corruption cases and want to run for representatives of the people or regional heads.

Kalau pandangan KPU, ucap Hasyim, salah satu unsur tindak pidana korupsi itu ada unsur penyalahgunaan kewenangan.

"What does that mean? People are given the authority, but they are abused. This means they are not credible. They should not be nominated anymore, because they have betrayed the mandate given," said Hasyim.

For this year, it has started from the regional election yesterday, people who have been criminalized with a threat of more than 5 years should not run for regional head. Except for the completion of the sentence, it has exceeded the five-year deadline.

"At least with such approaches, whether there is a debate in the public about certainty or not there is certainty," said Hasyim.

On the other hand, this can be a lesson that people who have been given the mandate, then deny their mandate, are no longer eligible to become public officials.

Earlier on Wednesday (30/11), the Constitutional Court decided to partially grant the request for judicial review of Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning General Elections (Pemilu) submitted by private employee Leonardo Siahaan.

The request granted relates to the prohibition for former convicts of corruption or corrupt cases to run for legislative members for five years since he was released or released from prison.

With the receipt of some of the applicant's applications, the Constitutional Court requires the state to change these provisions to be as follows.

Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) Coordinator Agus Sunaryanto appreciated the Constitutional Court's Decision (MK) Number 87/PUU-XX/2022 regarding the prohibition for ex-convicts, including convicts of corruption cases, to become legislative candidates (candidates) for five years after being released from prison.

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