
Strong winds and high tides collapsed two houses in Selading Village, West Island District, Natuna Regency, Riau Islands Province (Kepri).

"Two houses collapsed due to high tides and strong winds in the north season," said Selading Village Head Raja Syamsul Bahri in Natuna, Riau Islands on Thursday, January 26, confiscated by Antara.

Arfatoni and Juhardi's house has been recorded for further reporting to the Natuna Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD).

Bahri also asked the Natuna BPBD to go directly to conduct a study regarding the potential impact of the northern season of disasters in the area. The study can be a reference for residents to mitigate when facing potential disasters

Based on data collected by BPBD Natuna Regency, four houses have become victims of extreme weather since Wednesday, January 25 in Natuna.

"There were two reports received in Selading Village, One Midai. And another on Laut Island, for the time being there were no fatalities, both injured and dead. Thank God," said Head of BPBD Natuna Regency Raja Darmika.

Currently, BPBD has coordinated with the local sub-district and the Natuna Regency Social Service (Dinsos) regarding the incident.

For efforts or types of assistance that will be distributed by BPBD, he stated that he could not confirm because he could not directly reach the location of the disaster.

However, from the three locations of the disaster, BPBD has estimated that the losses suffered by the victims reached tens of millions of rupiah.

"We are coordinating with the Social Service. For those who are on standby (ready) in the form of food packages. Because the location crossed, we had difficulty conveying it quickly. We asked the sub-district head for help," he said.

Strong winds and high tides in the Natuna Islands have been estimated by BMKG by issuing an early warning letter since Wednesday, January 25. BMKG appealed to local residents to be vigilant due to extreme weather for the next three days.

In the letter, it was stated that there was cyclonic circulation in western Kalimantan as well as the acceleration of cold air masses from the Asian region to support convective cloud growth around the Natuna Islands.

This condition supports the opportunity to form rain clouds in the Natuna Islands, especially on January 26-28, 2023.

This condition also caused weather conditions during this period to have the potential for moderate to heavy rain and could be accompanied by lightning and strong winds in Natuna.

BMKG also urges all Natuna people to always be aware of the impact of extreme weather that can trigger hydrometeorological disasters, such as puddles throughout the Natuna region, landslides in areas such as Pulau Tiga, Bunguran Timur, Bunguran Selatan and Bunguran Timur Laut as well as strong winds throughout the Natuna region.

Based on the Ina-wave BMKG maritime model forecast, there is a wave height in the moderate to very high category which has the potential to occur on January 26-28, 2023 in the North Natuna Sea which ranges from 3-6 meters and a wave height ranging from 1-3 meters, as well as Subi-Serian waters, Bunguran-Midai waters, Bunguran waters. - Laut Island and Natuna-Anambas waters.

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