The Central Java Police Chief Encouraged Policewomen To Become Kamtibmas Influencers, Because They Had More Followers Than Male Police.
Polwan received directions from the Central Java Police Chief Inspector General Ahmad Luthfi/ Photo: Doc. Central Java Police


SEMARANG Central Java Police Chief Inspector General Ahmad Luthfi sees the profile of the Women Police (Polwan) which is flexible, friendly and motherly, is a plus the Police in the eyes of the public. The plus value made the Kapolda encourage policewomen in Central Java to become influencers on social media. The goal is to educate the public about public order security (kamtibmas).

"The appearance of policewomen and their movements as police officers, as well as housewives often attract the attention of the public. Likewise, the appeal of Kamtibmas by Polwan is often more attractive to residents, than the appeal was conveyed by male police," said Inspector General Ahmad Luthfi when giving directions to the policewomen at the Central Java Police Headquarters, Semarang, as written in the statement, Wednesday, January 25.

Kapolda believes that Polwan can effectively convey appeals on social media. Because according to him, in the realm of social media, many policewomen have thousands of followers.

"Central Java Policewomen must be able to become ambassadors to convey Kamtibmas information on social media," he said.

Inspector General Luthfi also said that Polwan is a selected figure or daughter. It is not easy to become a policewoman and not all members of the community can join as Polwan. Therefore, Polwan must be able to maintain the dignity of himself in service and in the household.

He said that in carrying out their duties as members of the National Police, there were a number of tasks that were more effective in being carried out by policewomen than male police officers. These tasks include service for women and children in the function of Detective, Trauma Healing and Negotiators of demonstrations.

"For this reason, many policewomen have a plus compared to male police officers. Therefore, you are called the selected daughters," he said

For policewomen who have married, the Kapolda asked the policewomen to balance their role as a housewife or as a member of the police.

The success of Polwan in carrying out his duties began with his success in carrying out a good role in the household.

"One of the plus values of the policewomen was when she returned home and changed her role as a mother who protects her children and also a wife for her husband. That's not easy for a woman, but it's something extraordinary," he said.

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