
BANDARLAMPUNG - The Provincial Government (Pemprov) of Lampung is conducting a development study or merging 7 districts into the Greater Lampung Metropolitan as an effort to overcome inter-regional sustainability.

"Through Regional Regulation Number 12 of 2019 concerning RTRW Revision, Lampung Province seeks to control the growth of dynamic space in order to realize the Strategic Area of Lampung Province," said Lampung Provincial Secretary Fahrizal Darminto, quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, January 25.

He said that a deeper study of the development of the Greater Lampung Metropolitan urban area needs to be carried out, to create strategic areas by implementing a sustainable urban system.

"Pelencanaan tentang pengembangan urban di sekitar Bandar Lampung sudah sejak dulu dilakukan, tetapi belum bisa sampai memastikan itu bisa berjalan dengan baik, sebab ini nantinya memerlukan koordinasi lebih lanjut dengan daerah yang ada di sekitar," katanya.

He explained that in unraveling congestion, and utilizing development according to regional potential, a joint commitment from the buffer zone is needed.

"Cooperation between regions is urgently needed to overcome urban problems, eliminate gaps between regions, and achieve development progress. So it is necessary to synergize with Metro City, Pesawaran Regency, South Lampung, Central Lampung, and surrounding areas as buffer areas," he said.

So he hopes that all parties must work together in capturing the opportunities and potential for the development of the Greater Lampung Metropolitan area, and achieving the goal of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for the advancement of Lampung Province.

"When discussing the level of regional heads about development, it takes the right time, and in 2024, simultaneous elections will be held there and naturally a situation is created where elected regional heads simultaneously discuss development, and this is a moment to bring a study on the Metropolitan Lampung Raya," he added.

It is known that the study on the development of the Greater Lampung Metropolitan which aims to reduce the centralized density in Bandarlampung City and increase the potential of the area involves seven districts and cities with 52 sub-districts, as buffer areas.

The concept of development will hold on to the development of a sustainable city, one of which is by developing sustainable transportation.

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