
DEMAK - Raut was happy to radiate from Mifdatun's face, pregnant women in Prampelan Village, Sayung District, Demak Regency. Ganjar Pranowo's desire to meet the Governor of Central Java can be fulfilled.

The moment occurred when Ganjar visited the Prampangan Village Hall. He was accompanied by the Regent of Demak Eisti hanah, and the Head of BKKBN Representative Office for Central Java Province Widwiono.

Incidentally, Mifdatun was following the socialization from the BKKBN when Ganjar arrived. In the checking process, Mifdatun whispered to the officers, his wish when he was pregnant was to meet Ganjar.

"Sir, this pregnant woman is having a crush on Pak Ganjar. Want a photo with him, sir," said the officer Ganjar immediately followed.

Miftatun could not hide the joy. Apart from fulfilling his longing, he also had the opportunity to take a photo with Ganjar, as well as talk to the number one person in Central Java.

Earlier, the circumference of his hand was measured, it turned out that it was less than 1 cm, it should be only 23 22. Then there was Mr. Ganjar. Originally, he wanted to (meet), thank God he was able to get it done. I was happy that I was told to keep the pregnancy, and eat a lot," said Miftatun.

Not only for Miftatun, Ganjar also conveyed the same thing to pregnant women. On that occasion, Ganjar also provided assistance for three wheelchairs, prosthetic legs, recreation kits for children affected by the disaster, and basic necessities for pregnant women.

Ganjar also appealed to mothers who already have more than two children, to immediately do family planning. He appreciated the Kampung KB of Pramplan Village which was quite active in educating residents, especially pregnant women. In fact, education is also given to children to students.

"I'm happy that there were young people who were educated not to get married early. This is in line with the BKKBN program to prevent early marriage, prevent stunting, and children get quite clear information," said Ganjar, Tuesday, January 24.

However, the governor emphasized, especially to village heads and midwives, to actively record pregnant women. Moreover, the Prampan Village Head has only served for two months, according to him, it is appropriate to re-register.

"I ask to make sure the data is correct, later midwives including health cadres will be able to accompany continuously. If 21 (mothers) had problems, then 21 (mothers) were the main concern," said Ganjar.

The former member of the DPR RI also appreciated the program that had been implemented, by Providing Additional Food (PMT) for troubled pregnant women.

"It's quite creative, yes, food is quite nutritious, for example from the potential of local nutrition, like catfish, it's easy. So it's pretty delicious cooked, then given to them," he said.

Ganjar said that stunting prevention can be done with mutual cooperation efforts. In addition to village heads, midwives and health cadres in the village, Ganjar asked the public to continue to be educated so that they can also supervise.

"Because if our neighbors, I'm sorry, someone is malnourished or malnourished, if then there are three or five people and then each family gives (eating) morning whose responsibility, afternoon whose responsibility, of course it will be very light," he said.

At least the next week, Ganjar will travel to a number of areas. The governor of Central Java for the two periods went down directly to ensure that extreme poverty alleviation goes hand in hand, with prevention and reduction in stunting rates.

"This week I will go around to collect data. That's the same package as well as extreme poverty and non-extreme poverty, then pregnant women, stunting, that's what we package," he said.

Ganjar said the targets of each existing district/city would be collected, to be adjusted to the central target.

"The target is already high, we will push it, let it be. But what is still low we will lift, in order to adjust it nationally, we can finish it together," explained Ganjar.

Meanwhile, based on the explanation of the village head and midwife, in Prampan Village there are currently a total of 38 pregnant women. Of that number, 21 pregnant women had problems.

Regent Demak Eisti said the stunting handling in Demak was carried out jointly by the relevant OPD. In the future, he will maximize all strengths to gang up not only stunting, but also extreme poverty.

"In Demak Regency in 2021 there will still be 25 percent of stunting, but from the data of the Health Office in 2022 there are eleven percent. Hopefully this is valid data, because in 2024 according to the President's instructions, it is below 14 percent," said the regent.

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